
Sunday 5 July 2015

Kafan for a Female

Kafn for a Female
The MASNOON Kafn for a female consists of an IZAAR, KHIMAAR (Orni), QAMEES, LIFAFAH and a piece calf material to' hold the breasts (SINABAND).

The Khimaar is the Veil. The piece of material to hold the breasts should preferably be from the breasts to the thighs. Three garments, i.e..Izaar, Lifafah and Khimaar will suffice, but it is SUNNAT to have FIVE.

It is MAKROOH to use less than THREE, except when it is NOT available. It is the duty of the husband to bear the burial expenses of the wife. The Kafn could be smoked with LOBAAN, etc. but NOT scented with Itr. Children's Kafn should be cut to appropriate size.

The Kafan of a female should consist of five white garments, (Two winding sheet, a long loose sleeveless shirt {From shoulder to feet}, a waist wrapper, and a head veil), these should be large enough to cover the whole body and may be perfumed with incense, a loin cloth may be used to bind the upper part of her legs, use 4 tie ropes, each one is 7 feet long


The garments are spread out (First: winding sheets {7 x 7 feet}, Second: the long loose sleeveless shirt {3 1/2 x 14 feet, with a hole in the middle line for the head}, Third: waist wrapper {6 feet x 3 1/2 feet}, Fourth head veil {a 4x4 square feet white sheet}, and Fifth: the loin cloth {12 inches wide x 4 feet long}).

The deceased, covered with a sheet, is lifted and laid on her back on the shroud. Some scent or perfume may be put on those parts of the body upon which one rests during prostration that is the forehead, nose, hands, knees, and feet.

a. SHEETING : 4 metres-140 cm 150 cm or 180 cm wide according to the size of the body (1.75 meters for Izaar and 2.25 meters for Lifafah) OR

b. CALICO : 1.80 meters, 90 cm wide for Ames.

c. Any other material 2.50 meters 115 cm wide, this has to be made into two pieces for Tehbands, about 115 cm x 115 cm.

The loin cloth is bound round her upper legs (Acts like underwear).  The waist wrapper is tied in place. Put on the sleeveless shirt (Long to cover the body from the shoulder to the feet). Put the head veil. The deceased’s left hand should be placed on her chest, then put her right hand on the left hand like the way in the Salaat (Prayer). The edge of the top sheet is folded over the deceased right side, then the other edge over his left side. Then the second sheet should be folded the same way. These sheets should be fastened with a piece of cloth {Tie ropes}, one above the head, and another under the feet, and two around the body.

NOTE: There is no Islamic teaching of writing anything on the shrouds.

The balance should be used for making up bag like mittens, to be used for covering hands when performing Ghusl. A few strips must be kept for fastening the bags onto the hands and for tying the Kafn after it has been put on.

d. 60 grams camphor cut fine, 60 grams sandal wood powder and rose water for paste to be put off the body that touch the ground when making Sajdah.

e. One small bottle Itr or Hunoot if easily available, for males only. (Hunoot is anything with
which a corpse is perfumed, consisting of musk, sandal wood, ambergris and camphor or any PAAK substance.)


a. CALICA: 140 meters, 90 cm, wide for Khimaar (Orni).

b. CALICO: 180 to 2.50 meters, 90 cm wide for a woman's breast, (Sina band).

The MASNOON Kafn for a female consists of an IZAAR, KHIMAAR (Orni), QAMEES, LIFAFAH and a piece calf material to' hold the breasts (SINABAND). The Khimaar is the Veil. The piece of material to hold the breasts should preferably be from the breasts to the thighs. Three garments, i.e..Izaar, Lifafah and Khimaar will suffice, but it is SUNNAT to have FIVE. It is MAKROOH to use less than THREE, except when it is NOT available. It is the duty of the husband to bear the burial expenses of the wife. The Kafn could be smoked with LOBAAN, etc. but NOT scented with Itr. Children's Kafn should be cut to appropriate size.

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Burial of a Muslim

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