
Monday 10 August 2015

Burial of a Muslim

"If a person passes away, hasten him to his grave and do not keep him away."

The Janaza Namaaz should be arranged quickly and the Mayyit should be buried in the
nearest Muslim Qabrastaan (cemetery). To transport the body over long distances is
undesirable. It is also MAKROOH to delay the Janaza Namaaz and wait for late comers to
increase the Jamaat.


• It is only permissible for MAHRAM women of the deceased male to see his face.
• They are his WIFE, MOTHER, GRAND MOTHER (paternal and maternal), SISTERS, AUNTS
• Similarly only the MAHRAM males should view the face of a deceased female.
• In both cases of a male and female Mayyit, the face of the deceased should NOT be kept
OPEN after the Kafn is put on.
• It is permissible to recite the Qur'an after the Ghusl has been performed.


1. If the deceased is an adult, it should be put on a Janaza (bier) and carried on the
shoulders by four men. It is MAKROOH to transport the corpse by hearse over short
distances unnecessarily.
2. In the deceased is an infant or small child, it should be carried in the arms individually by
different persons.
3. All those who lift or carry the Janaza they should recite BISMILLAH.
4. When carrying Janaza the May it’s head should be towards the front.
5. The MUSTAHAB manner of' carrying the Janaza is that every bearer should carry the
Janaza to FORTH steps. To do this observe the following procedure:
1. Carry the LEFT FRONT of the Janaza for TEN steps5 (the May it’s right shoulder).
2. Thereafter the LEFT REAR for TEN steps, (the May it’s right foot.).
3. Then the RIGHT FRONT for TEN steps, (the May it’s left shoulder).
4. Lastly the RIGHT REAR for TEN steps, (the May it’s left foot.) it does NOT cause any
inconvenience to others.
6. Those accompanying the Janaza should NOT SIT before it is lowered to the ground. The
sick and weak are excuse
7. It is MASNOON to carry the Janaza hastily, but NOT in manner that the body is JOLTED or
SHAKEN about.
8. It is MUSTAHAB to follow the Janaza, and NOT to go AHEAD of it.
9. It is MAKROOH for those accompanying the Janaza to recite any Du’aa or Aya of the
Qur'an aloud. They may, however, read La ilâha illallah softly. One should abstain from
speaking or WORLDLY affairs or laughing and joking.


This Namaaz should NOT be performed in the MASJID. It could be performed on any
open space or in a building specially built for Janaza Salaat. It is IMPORTANT to
remember that when performing Janaza Salaat in the Qabrastaan there should be NO QABARS immediately in FRONT of the Jamaat. It should be performed as far away from
the Kabrs as possible, or there should be an obstruction between the worshippers and the Kabrs.


It is MAKROOH to perform the Janaza Salaat while the sun RISES, when it passes the
meridian (Zawaal) and when it sets. Besides these THREE times, which last for a very
short period, this Namaaz could be performed at any time during the day or night. It
could also be read after the ASR Salaat.


The Janaza Salaat is FARZE KIFAAYAH on all Muslims present. It consists of FOUR
TAKBEERS, THANA, DUROOD, and a MASNOON DUA for the deceased and TWO
SALAAMS. All these. are said SILENTLY by both, the Imam and Muqtadis. Just the Imam
should call out the Takbeer and Salaam aloud.


a. To stand and perform the Salaat.
b. To recite all the FOUR Takbirs.


1. The body of the Mayyit should be placed with head on the RIGHT side of the Imam, who
will face the Qibla
2. The Imam should stand in line with the CHEST of the deceased whilst performing the
3. It is MUSTAHAB to make an odd number of SAFS (rows) The Safs for Janaza Namaaz
should be CLSE to one another, because there are NO Sajdah to be made.
4. After the Safs are straightened the NIYYAT should be made. The Niyyat should be made
thus: I am performing this Janaza Salaat for Allah behind this Imam. (The Salaat being a
Dua for the Mayyit.) After the Niyyat the hands should be raised up to the EARS, and the
Imam should say Allahu Akbar loudly, and the Muqtadis softly. Then fold them under the
navel similar to
all daily Salaat.
5. Then recite THANA softly:

6. The Imam will then recite the Takbeer aloud and the Muqtadi softly for the second time.
The hands should NOT be raised when saying, this and all subsequent Takbirs. The
Durood Ibrahim should now be read 

7. Thereafter the Takbeer should be said for the THIRD time, and the following Du’aa
be recited for an adult male or female:

`Awf bin Malik t said that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) prayed a Janaza and I heard him saying the following du`a and I memorized it.

Duaas for Minors under the Age of Puberty

                                  Dua for a Boy

8. The Imam should say the FOURTH Takbeer and thereafter recite the Salaam aloud
TWICE, while turning his face first towards the RIGHT shoulder and then once again
while turning his face towards the left. The Muqtadis should follow by saying the Takbeer
and Salaam SOFTLY.


When a LATE COMER FEARS that if he engages himself in WUDHU, he will miss the
Janaza Salaat, then ONLY is it permissible for him to make TAYAMMUM and join the
Jamaa’ah. This rule applies to the Janaza Salaat only.

Whomsoever arrives Or the Janaza Salaat after the Imam has recited ONE or more
Takbirs, should wait and join the Imam when he says the next Takbeer. After the Salaam he should complete the missed Takbirs by merely saying Allahu Akbar once for Takbeer then too, the late comer should join and complete all the missed Takbeer, (before the Imam says the Salaam).


1. After the Janaza Salaat is performed the Mayyit should be buried as soon as possible. The
Janaza should be carried and placed at the Qibla side of the grave. The head should be on
the RIGHT SIDE of the grave if one faces the QIBLAH.
2. It is desirable that MAHRAMS or close relatives (of a females Mayyit) should enter the
grave to lower the body. The husband should NOT enter the grave to bury his wife. It is
NOT MASNOON (Sunnah) that there be an ODD number. All those who enter the grave
should face the Qibla.
3. It is MUSTAHAB tic hold a sheet over the grave while low-crying and burying a female. If
there is fear of her Kafan opening then it is WAJIB to do so.
4. It is MUSTAHAB for those present to recite this Du’aa whilst the body is being lowered:

5. After placing the body into recess of the grave it is Masnoon to turn it onto its RIGHT side
to face the Qibla.
6. The strips of cloth tied at the head side, chest and leg side should now be untied.
7. The recess should then be covered with unbaked bricks, bamboo, for timber.


1. It is MUSTAHAB to begin closing the recess or trench from the LEG side for MALES and
from the HEAD side for FEMALES. All the remaining little openings should be closed with
mud or grass. The use of any FABRIC or BLANKETS is unnecessary and wasteful.
All those present should participate to fill the KABR with atleast THREE handful of soil.
Widen throwing the FIRST handful in the grave RECITE:

1. It its MAKROOH to add more soil to the KABR than that which was dug out from it.
2. The shape of the Kahr when filled should he like the HUMP of CAMEL. The height should
be approximately 25 to 30 cms. It should NOT be made SQUARE or into any other shape.
All types of buildings and enclosure on or around the KABR are NOT permissible. Building
on QABR has been emphatically denounced in the Habit of Rasullah (S.A.W.).
3. It is MUSTAHAB to sprinkle water on the grave from the head to leg side thrice after the
Kabr has been shaped.
4. To recite the Qur'an and mae Du’aa for the deceased at his grave side, after the grave is
filled and shaped, is also MUSTAHAB.
5. It has been related by Hazrat UTHMAN (R.A.) that after Rasulullah (S.A.W.) buried the
dead, he paused and said: "Beseech forgiveness from Allah for your brother and make
Dua for his steadfastness because he is going to be questioned now by the MUNKAR and
6. It has been related be Hazrat Uthmaan that after Rasulullah buried the dead,
he paused and said, “Beseech forgiveness from Allah for your brother and
make Dua for his steadfastness because he is going to be questioned now
by the MUNKAR and NAKEER."
7. After the burial the first Ruku of Suratul Bakarah should be read at the head
side of the Kabr:-


Burial of a Muslim

"If a person passes away, hasten him to his grave and do not keep him away." The Janaza Namaaz should be arranged quickly and th...