
Sunday 5 July 2015

Death of a Muslim

JANAZA (Prayer over dead body)


THE MUHTADHARA person on whom the signs of DEATH are clearly seen is called a MUHTADHAR. It isSUNNAT to let him lie on his RIGHT side facing the QIBLAH. It is permitted that he be positioned to lie on his BACK with his FEET towards the QIBLAH, and the head slightly raised with a cushion so that it faces the Qibla. all the bed linen must be PAAK. If moving the Muhtadhar causes him any discomfort then leave him in any convenient position.

• It is desirable to use LOBAAN, itr or any other aromatics that are Paak in the room. Anyone who is in the state of Janaabat, Haiz or Nifaas must leave the apartment.

• At this time the recitals of Suras YASEEN (starting at the 17th Ruku of the 22nd Para) and RA'D (beginning at the 6th Ruku of the 13th Para) is recommended. This may be done in the same room.

When one is incapable of reciting the Qur'an, someone else may be requested to recite these Suras or any other portion of the Qur'an.


• TALQEEN is to remind the dying person of the two SHAHADATS,

(i.e. Ash hadu alla ilâha il-lal-laahu was ash hadu Anna Muham-madan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu).

When the end nears the dying person's breath quickens, the knees becomes so weak that they cannot move, the nose becomes bent and the temples subside. By these signs understand that the person is nearing the end.

• The Talqeen should be read before the dying person takes hits last breaths. The Muhtadhar must NOT he asked or ORDERED to read the Kalima, but must be helped to recall it. This can easily he done by reciting the Kalima aloud while being present in the room. Once the departing person utters the Kalima all who are present should remain SILENT. The dying person should NOT be drawn into, any WORLDY discussions, but if he discusses any worldly affair, then the Talqeen should be repeated.

• After the Muhtadhar passes away, his mouth should be kept CLOSED by fastening a piece of Paak material around his chin and over his head, his eyes should be also be closed. Both feet should be tied together with a similar piece of cloth, and the body covered with a Paak sheet.

The one who does this should read...


1. Obtain a doctor's certificate.
2. Obtain a burial order.
3. Obtain a death certificate.
4. If the body is to be removed from one Municipality to another then it is necessary to obtain a REMOVAL ORDER from the police of the town in which the death took place.
5. If the death is due to unnatural causes (e.g. drowning or a motor accident, etc.) then one must comply with the legal requirements.
6. Inform relatives and friends of the death and of the time of Janaza.
7. Prepare the QAB'R.
8. Perform GHUSL.
9. Put on the KAFAN.
10.Arrange transport if the QABRASTAAN (cemetery) is at a distance.


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