
Saturday 4 July 2015

Wudhu - Cleansing Bath

Wudhu and Ghusl is allowed with the Following Water... 

1. Rain water.

2. Well water.

3. Spring, sea or river water. '

4. Water of melting snow or hail.

5. Water of a big tank or pond.

Water left over after drinking by human beings, Halaal animals and Halaal birds (e.g. cows, goats, and pigeons) is Taahir (clean)

 Wudhu and Ghusl is NOT allowed with the Following Water... 

1. All NAJIS or Dirty water.

2. Water extracted from fruit and trees.

3. Water that has changed its color, taste and smell and becomes thick because something was soaked in it. 4. Small quantity of water in which something NAJIS has fallen, e.g. Urine, blood, stool or wine or some animal had died after falling into it.

5. Used water of Wudhu or Ghusl.

6. Water left over after drinking by HARAAM animals, e.g. dogs, pigs or animals of prey.

7. Water which a cat drinks immediately after eating a mouse is NAJIS.

8. Water left by a person who has just drunk wine is NAJIS.

THE NIYYAT (Intention) 

It is SUNNAT to make the NIYYAT for WUDHU. •

For Wudhu one should make the Niyyat at heart that he is performing Wudhu...


I begin with the name of Allah

2. One should sit on a high and clean place to perform Wudhu. Face the direction towards the Holy KA'BA Sharif if possible.

3. Using TAHIR (clean) water FIRST wash BOTH the HANDS up to the WRISTS THREE times. And all praises are for Allah.

To wash one's hands, face and feet, etc. before performing NAMAAZ is called WUDHU or Ablution. No Namaaz is accepted without Wudhu.

4. Use a MISWAAK for cleaning the teeth and then GARGLE the mouth THREE times.

It is SUNNAT to make MISWAAK during WUDHU. By using a Miswaak the reward of a NAMAAZ increases 70 times.

5. Thereafter take water up to the NOSTRILS THREE times with the RIGHT hand and clean the nose with the LEFT hand.

6. Then wash your FACE THREE, times. Wash from the hairy part of the forehead to below the chin and from one ear lobe to the other.

7. Then make KHILAL of the BEARD. 8. Thereafter wash the RIGHT HAND INCLUDING (, THE ELBOWS THREE times.

9. Then wash the LEFT HAND INCLUDING the ELBOWS.

10.Then make KHILAL of the FINGERS.

11.Thereafter wet the hands and pass them over the head, ears and nape. This must be done ONCE only. It is known as MASAH.

DU'A WHILST MAKING WUDHU O Allah' forgive my sins and give expansion (abundance) in my home and grant me blessings in my substance.


• Keep THREE fingers of each hand together (middle finger, ring finger and little finger).
• Keep thumb and index finger raised (away).
• Keep thumb, index finger and palm away from the head.
• Pass the three fingers from the forehead to the upper portion of the nape.
• Then place the palm on the sides of the head and bring forward to forehead.
• Then insert the front portion of the index finger into the openings of the ear.
• Then make Masah behind the ears with the inner part of the thumb.
• Make Masah of the nape with the back of the middle finger.

Then wash BOTH the FEET INCLUDING the ANKLES THREE times. First the Right and then the Left foot.

N.B. Use LEFT HAND for KHILAL of toes and washing of the feet. First wash the RIGHT FOOT including the ankle and then make KHILAL of the TOES. Beginning with the LITTLE toe of the RIGHT FOOT. Then wash the LEFT FOOT including the ankle and then intake KHILAL of the TOES. Completing at the LITTLE toe of the LEFT FOOT.


Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illal Allah WA Ashhadu Anna Muhammad Abduhu wa Rasuluhu (I testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and I testify that Muhammad (Sallallaahu-Alaihi-Wa-Salam) is Allah's worshipper and messenger.) Allaahummaj-‘alnee minat-Tawwaabeen Waj’alnee minal-Mutatahhireen (O Allah." make me of the repenters and make me of the purified.)...

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